About me

I'm a Django core developer, software engineer, data scientist, active open-source contributor and public speaker. I currently work as a Cloud Solutions Architect at Google. Previously I was a Technical Director at Odopod and a Founding Director of the Interaction Consortium.

I hold a Bachelors in Software Engineering, a Masters in Human-Computer Interaction and a PhD in Computer Sciences completed at the Creativity and Cognition Studios. My research and industry projects particularly focus on the development of web technologies to support collaboration in creative industries. For the past 10 years, I have also worked as a web developer, specializing in emerging technologies and best practice methodologies. I’ve also taught web development at the University of Technology, Sydney.

You should check out my blog. You may also find more about me on my Twitter, Linked In, Github and Speaker Deck accounts. Feel free to get in touch via hello [at] julienphalip [dot] com.

I live in San Francisco, CA.